Devoted to milk since 1885.

Founding of the first northern German dairy cooperativeSeven farmers get together and form one of the first dairy cooperatives in northern Germany. Their aim is to produce and sell dairy products. Profits generated jointly are to be shared equally among the members of the cooperative.
The picture shows the letter of invitation that initiated the founding of the cooperative.

Start of cheese productionNumerous Ammerland dairies successfully enter cheese production – a success story despite established foreign imports. The cheese business develops so well that more than 70 percent of the milk delivered is turned into cheese by 1960.

Growth and modernizationThe launch of a government-backed development program for farming sparks a wave of modernization across the agricultural sector. Numerous technical advances are adopted by the Ammerland dairies and by suppliers’ farms.

Milk tankers conquer the worldThe introduction of milk tankers toward the end of the 1960s amounts to a small revolution, with pumps replacing physical strength, cooling superseding ambient temperature, large tanks taking the place of 20-liter cans, and trucks supplanting tractors.

Founding of Milchwerke Ammerland-Oldenburg eGIn 1989, the year the Berlin Wall falls, Ammerland has a unification of its own: The dairy cooperatives Westerstede, Wiefelstede, Oldenburg, Jaderberg, Altjührden and Apen merge to form Milchwerke Ammerland-Oldenburg eG. In April 1990, work begins on the new main plant in Wiefelstede-Dringenburg. The production plant for cheese and whey concentrate is inaugurated one year later.

Certificate for quality managementThe products from the new plant are top-quality right from the start: In July 1994, Milchwerke Ammerland-Oldenburg eG becomes one of the first dairies to be awarded the international quality standard ISO 9002.

A new name: Molkerei AmmerlandDurch Beschluss der Generalversammlung vom 26. Mai 2000 ändern die Milchwerke Ammerland-Oldenburg eG ihren Namen in Molkerei Ammerland eG.
The picture shows the company logo that was used until 2017.

Launch of the Ammerländer brandMolkerei Ammerland introduces Ammerländer, its own brand for dairy products. The name emphasizes the origin of the original dairy and the location of today’s production. The brand develops very successfully in the years that follow, both nationally and internationally.

Direct marketingMolkerei Ammerland makes the transition to independent distribution. Since then, the entire range of cheese products has been marketed under the new Ammerländer brand name or sold directly to retail customers. Butter, milk and whey powder are also marketed directly from now on.
Founding of the first sales subsidiaryThe first international subsidiary is founded in Budapest, Hungary. Ammerland Hungary develops very successfully from the very beginning. Today the company is an established player on the Hungarian cheese market. Over the years, further sales subsidiaries follow, with Ammerland Asia Pacific (2012), Ammerland Ibérica (2014), Ammerland America (2016) and Ammerland Trading (2017).

International marketsThe international export business sees continuous expansion starting in the early 2000s. By 2008, Molkerei Ammerland is selling its products in over 50 countries and on five continents. Over 40 percent of its products are exported.

1 billion kilos of milk processedFor the first time in its history, Molkerei Ammerland processes more than 1 billion kilograms of milk. Since the start of production at the Dringenburg site, milk processing has quadrupled.

125 years of Molkerei AmmerlandMolkerei Ammerland celebrates its 125th anniversary. A history of the cooperative is presented to the public at an event marking the anniversary.

High-rack warehouse and spray drying towerA fully automatic high-rack warehouse with almost 22,000 storage spaces is built at the cooperative’s headquarters in Wiefelstede-Dringenburg. In addition, a second spray drying tower for the production of whey powder goes into operation. Up to 160 metric tons can be produced here every day.

Expansion of the Oldenburg siteAn ultra-high temperature plant for the production of long-life milk starts operation at the Oldenburg site. The capacity of the warehouse is also expanded. From now on, there are around 2,200 storage spaces in the UHT milk warehouse and a good 3,000 in the fresh milk warehouse.

Completion of new cheese production lineMeasuring 14,000 square meters, the new cheese production line IV at the Dringenburg location is practically a completely new dairy and offers considerably expanded production possibilities. At the same time, it is a completely closed system that operates fully automatically.

Pasture milk with the PRO WEIDELAND labelMolkerei Ammerland starts producing pasture milk products under the PRO WEIDELAND – Deutsche Weidecharta label in 2017. The PRO WEIDELAND label guarantees consumers that their purchases helps to promote animal welfare and support northern German pasture farming and biodiversity.

Organic milk processingIn September, Molkerei Ammerland becomes the first major producer in the German state of Lower Saxony to process organic milk from its own producers. The organic milk is produced in accordance with the requirements of the European regulations on organic farming and Bioland e.V. standards.

Sustainable packaging for organic milk2018 sees the market launch of Ammerländer-brand organic milk. Molkerei Ammerland is the first company in Germany to use sustainable packaging made entirely of renewable raw materials for Ammerländer organic milk. Sustainable packaging for Ammerländer pasture milk is introduced in early 2019.

Getting through Corona with flexibilityThe pandemic and its related constraints lead the cooperative to hold its general meeting at the drive-in cinema in Wüsting. In a fiscal year influenced by the effects of Corona the dairy processes more than 2 billion kilograms of milk for the first time and generates sales of more than 1 billion euros.